I know it has been a few days since I issued the last 3-Ingredient Challenge, but here, finally, are my results.
When I posted to Twitter (Follow me?) what the 3-ingredient challenge was-yogurt, cream cheese, cereal- my friend Kelly responded that I should make a parfait. I had initially planned on baking something, but a parfait...hmmm...maybe...
Before I started that I got sidetracked making some kolaches in which I used the cream cheese and the yogurt which I mixed with some apricot preserves for the filling. (I'm going to make some more soon and share my recipe.) The cereal just didn't go with those so I mixed the leftover filling with some more yogurt and put it aside thinking I'd go back to the parfait idea.
Well, that was Thursday night. Friday morning I woke up with a headache and so didn't fix the parfaits for breakfast like I had planned. (Joel gave the kids cereal and oatmeal.) Then when I got up this morning I had planned to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon for brunch. Joel and I had slept in since the kids were staying with their grandparents last night. However, we realized it was almost time to pick Thomas up from my parents' house. Pancakes would take too long. I looked in the fridge and spotted the cream cheese, yogurt, apricot preserves mixture from Thursday night. Ah ha!
I layered that with some Rice Chex for crunch and some freshly whipped cream. Pure decadence! Delicious, easy, satisfying.
It looks yummy!